
Fish Barrier Project – Wai Connection
Wai Connection is working with TCC and local farmers to boost freshwater biodiversity in rural waterways. This 12-month project focuses on breaking down barriers to fish passage, starting with a full catchment survey and culminating in practical solutions tailored for farmers. Īnanga, a key freshwater species, is the star of this project — indicating waterway health and thriving ecosystems. Check out this report to learn more about Īnanga, why they need protection, fish passage guidelines, examples of fish passage structures, and key design considerations.
Catchment Coordinator Emergency Preparedness
As a Catchment Coordinator, this guide is a toolkit for you, your community and the people in your community – including business owners – to prepare for an emergency.
The actions and priorities identified by individual catchment groups have been consolidated to create a Regional Integrated Action Plan that TCC will progress over the next two years. The actions have been categorised into four strategic focus areas: Community, Environment, Farming and Economic. Planned action around the region includes: